
About The Author

Darshana Suresh is the name, a.k.a Dashy. When my sister first called me by that name, I never thought it would stick. But over the years I've associated myself with it more and more. The name is known only to those who've come to know who I've become. It has grown to represent me as I am, rather than just a label in the documents. 

So this is Dashy. 

Someone who loves to write, to travel, to write tales about my travels, to daydream and to sing (only and only when no one's around), to eat french fries and chocolates followed by rigorous sit-ups to lose the gained belly fat, and of course to read for hours and escape into the world only readers know about.

If you want to know more, I'd tell you how bad I am at picking favourites and how my friends do it for me, how I dislike small talk, how I regret never having learned a proper sport, and how I have this terrible fear of not reaching up to expectations, of falling down hard, or of being isolated. No, not always, only when the dementors are close by and my stallion patronus doesn't show up on summoning. (For muggles, this is a potterhead reference that you may ignore)

To summarize...

I am my own whole self only when nothing's expected of me, else I have a mask. But then, who doesn't? We are all slightly modified versions of the other. I am just another you and you are just another me. And I wish I could say that sentence was my own but sadly I stole it from a random post on Facebook. But then, nothing could be more apt.

And well, if you're really jobless enough to want to still know more about me... check out the 'Know me more -tagged posts ' in the links down here, where you'll find random facts about me rather than the dreamy words I wrote up here

 - The Liebster Post
 - A to Z of me
 - Ten to One Questions
 - The Versatile Award

You can also check out my e-book 'An Ode to the Self'. (And leave a review maybe?)

So this is what I do here, write down all my daydreams, all the 'wows' that are born each time my mind wanders. (Read My Wandering Mind ;) )

So here goes the Wandering Wows...that every one of our minds possesses! Happy reading! :)

[ Reach me at, I promise to reach you back! ]


  1. So you have taken the first two and last two alphabets of your name to form Dashy. Then I don't know where that y comes from. Maybe to distinguish it from my surname?

    1. Haha. It wasn't actually a combo of the first and last letters. My sister began calling me by that name at some point and it just stuck. :D So, Dash is your real surname? Never heard it before.

  2. This surname is very common in Odisha. Some write it as Das.
