picture source: http://www.youthconnect.in
One Day
One day I shall smile
Not my visage, but my heart.
One day the veil shall fall,
Adieu to my mayday calls.
One day I shall leave
To the land of what I feel.
One day I shall cry
With no reason to a why.
One day, I shall dance
With not a pang of guilt.
One day, I shall write,
Of a legend that I built.
One day I shall dream;
Let my vicinity vanish.
One day I shall move on;
My own shoes, I shall don.
One day I shall heed,
Myself and not any else.
One day I shall decide,
Not you or him, but I.
Yes, for once I'll fend
But nor will I now sigh.
That day my wings shall sprout,
Then yonder, I shall fly.
That day I shall know
The 'me' and all the 'rest'.
That day I shall be free.
That day
I shall BE.