Wednesday 21 September 2016

I am Grateful :)

I lay beside the window watching the night sky. The lights are out and my roommates have slept. The sky is cloudy, leaving not a single star in sight. But my mind isn't on the sky, it's still reminiscing in the day's events. There is a smile planted on my face. To that, I am grateful.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Phobia Folio #FridayReflections

- 6 6 6 -

Watch out! This is the horrific number of the Beast! Anti-Christ, they call it; hugely carnal and sinful.  The source of this number and all evil in the world is Satan himself! Let this number not make you victim to the beast! Beware!

Friday 2 September 2016

We still stay free #PeriodPride

"What's that?" Asked the curious little one, watching her sister sneak a plastic packet into the bathroom.
"What's what?" She replied, doing a bad job in hiding the stuff.

Monday 22 August 2016

My Time Machine

 The wooden clock hung right overhead as I took off my shoes and placed my school bag aside. "What news today?" mom called from the kitchen. "Nothing new ma..." I said, "A few long lectures all day, and a huge pile of work to do." and I sat down for a snack. Once I felt refreshed enough to tackle the workload of the day, I entered my room.

Sunday 14 August 2016

A letter to Pak from Hindustan

Source : Google

Dear Pakistan,

It's been 69 long years. Can you imagine that? That long since people started calling us by different names.